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On the 4th July:


A visit to Frampton, at the pools we saw a juvenile Cuckoo, a Kingfisher, lots of Lapwing and heard a Turtle Dove. By the river there was a Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Whitethroats, a Tree Sparrow, a few waders and a Sandwich Tern.


Another drive to Landguard Point in Suffolk to see the Lark Sparrow again. Which again we saw very well, also seeing 5 Black Redstarts, c20 Little Terns, 10+ Ringed Plovers, finches, pipits, Skylarks and a Wheatear.

From there we drove to Dunwich where the Oriental Pratincole was still showing, also seeing 2 Marsh Harriers and an Avocet.


Leading a birdwatching holiday to Northern Spain.


A trip to the Forest of Dean, only to the Speech House area where we saw a family party of 5 Hawfinches feeding in a Cherry Tree, the male was seen most clearly, watched as he plucked a cherry, unwrap the outer fruit, crack the nut and then extract the kernel. Also seen was a Garden Warbler, 4+ Whitethroats, lots of Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs, a Bullfinch, 2 Yellowhammers, a Tree Pipit, 5+ Woodcocks and 2 Nightjars.



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