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On the 7th April:


On a wet, cool morning we drove to Weymouth, at Radipole Lake the best were 4 Bearded Tits, a Cetti's Warbler and 7 Ruddy Ducks. On the harbour from Ferrybridge were 35+ Red-breasted Mergansers, 4 Eiders, 4 Sandwich Terns and a Velvet Scoter.

On Portland we saw a Black Redstart, and the best on a seawatch was a Manx Shearwater, a Red-throated Diver, 20 Gannets and 17 Common Scoter.


A climb up Crook Peak where we saw 10 Chiffchaffs, 3 pairs of Yellowhammers, a Green Woodpecker, 3 Willow Warblers, a Stock Dove, a Wheatear, a pair of Stonechats and a male Ring Ouzel.


Co-leading a joint Wingspan/Ibis and Bristol Ornithological Club tour to Cyprus


In Israel, two new birds seen today.









Photo: Mourning Wheatear. 


A trip to Steart where there were Curlew, Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, Grey Plover, Shelduck and a Peregrine. Then to Shapwick where there were lots of butterflies, including Brimstones and Commas, also Chiffchaffs, Cetti's Warblers, 2 Kestrels, a Sparrowhawk, 2 Marsh Harriers and 6 Buzzards. From there I went to Catcott Lows where there were at least 50 Golden Plovers, many of them in summer plumage. Finally, I returned to Bristol via Chew Valley Lake, where I had good views of the Little Bunting again.


A visit to Chittening Warth, where inside the dock area on a patch of rough ground with pools, was a pair of Little Ringed Plovers.

I was able to get some video of them through the wire fence, but they didn't come that close. Although suitable, they didn't stay to breed, too much disturbance.

Also see here.


Later I went to Orchard Pools, where there were Mallard, Gadwall and Coot, also 5+ Chiffchaffs, a Willow Warbler, lots of tits, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and at least 10 Redpolls.


The day started with 3 Blackcaps in the garden and a Buzzard overhead. Then a trip to Slimbridge where there were 9 Common Cranes from the reintroduction project, a pair nest building and several chasing each other and calling.

Also seen were c50 Wigeon, 2 Pintail, lots of other ducks including Pochard, 2 Little Egrets, c100 Black-tailed Godwits, 5 Redshanks and 5 Avocets.













Video of Cranes, also see here

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