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On the 20th October:


A tour around North Somerset, where the best seen was a Tree Sparrow at Tealham and Tadham Moor, also lots of Redwing and Fieldfare there, and, 2 Water Pipits at Cheddar Reservoir.


Our last full day on St. Mary's, at Salakee there were 3 Bramblings, a Merlin and 5 Turtle Doves, at the Airport there were 2 Black Redstarts and at Porth Hellick another or the same Merlin, a few warblers and a Yellow-browed Warbler. On a walk through Holy Vale we saw 8 Hawfinches in one bush, a Pied Flycatcher and a Red-breasted Flycatcher. At the Golf Course quarry there was a Redstart and at the pool on Lower Moors a Jack Snipe.


In Virginia on a BBC sound recording trip, 3 new birds and a new reptile seen today.









Great Egret. 

Great Egret 04a, Virginia, 19-10-87.jpg


In Hungary, in the Hortobagy National Park on a sound recording trip. 










Common Cranes. 

Common Crane 02a, Hortobagy, Hungary, Oc



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