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On the 24th December:


A visit to Slimbridge where we saw 916 White-fronted Geese and 4 (Taiga) Bean Geese, both new birds for us. Also 127 Bewick's Swans, 500 Wigeon and a Peregrine. Then on the foreshore at Frampton we saw our first Water Rail.


A visit to Chew Valley Lake seeing lots of duck, including 15+ Goosander, 200+ Wigeon, 153+ Ruddy Duck, 100+ Shoveler and a male American Wigeon.


A visit to Chew Valley Lake seeing 7 Curlew, 4 Dunlin, a Jack Snipe, a Pink-footed Goose, 15 Goosanders, a male and a female Smew, and 2 Water Pipits.


On holiday in California, no new birds, but a new mammal seen today.








Brewer's Blackbird. 

Brewer's Blackbird 02a, California, 24_1


A visit to Battery Point on Portishead's seafront, seeing 2 Purple Sandpipers. On the Marine Lake there were still 5 Pochard, a male Wood Duck and a Ringed Teal.



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