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On the 16th November:


A visit to Chew Valley Lake where we saw the Great Northern Diver again, also a female Smew, 9 Goldeneye, 20+ Wigeon, 40+ Shoveler and 4 Dunlin.


A visit to Slimbridge where we saw 233 Bewick's Swans, 2,000+ Wigeon, 226 White-fronted Geese, 2 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 126 Curlews, a Peregrine and lots of Redwings and Fieldfares. In fields near Slimbridge Village we saw a Cattle Egret, an asian race bird which was a presumed escape. 


In Madagascar on a BBC sound recording trip, 3 new birds seen today.










Brown Emu-tail. 

Grey Emu-tail 01a, Ranomafana, Madagasca


In New Zealand on a BBC sound recording trip, no new birds seen today.








New Zealand Pigeon. 

New Zealand Pigeon 03a, Stewart Is, 11_9



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