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On the 19th July:


A visit to Steart where the best were 19 Yellow Wagtails, c60 Black-tailed Godwits, a Common Sandpiper, 3 Greenshank and a Grey Partridge.


On a sound recording trip to the Picos de Europa Mountains in Northwest Spain.


A trip to Shapwick where there were lots of warblers including several Cetti's, a Kingfisher and 2 Hobbies. At the nearby Westhay Reserve again lots of warblers, a Barn Owl and a pair of Redstarts.


At New Passage today there was an adult Mediterranean Gull, still with a full black hood, and 2 Common Sandpipers.


A visit to Snuff Mills in Bristol with Dan Freeman, seeing a Kingfisher, a Grey Heron and a family group of 2 adults and 2 juvenile Grey Wagtails.

Grey Heron 17_7-01, Snuff Mills, 19_7_17
Grey Wagtail 17_7-06, Snuff Mills, 19_7_
Grey Wagtail 17_7-09, Snuff Mills, 19_7_
Grey Wagtail 17_7-11, Snuff Mills, 19_7_

Grey Heron, juvenile Grey Wagtail and being fed by adult.


On the drive from Yate to Stone there was a Stonechat on wires at Cromhall, which seemed an odd place for one. Then at Stone met a few other birders who were looking for the starling and learned of a roof-top which the bird had been seen several times. After a wait of just over an hour the adult Rose-coloured Starling appeared, dipping to the other side of the roof a lot, it did show several times perched on the roof-ridge.

Rose-coloured Starling 02, Stone, 19:7:2
Rose-coloured Starling 01, Stone, 19:7:2



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