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On the 31st March:


A quick trip out to Chew Valley Lake where the best bird was a Barn Owl.


A trip to Portland where there were 6 Chiffchaffs, around 20 Goldcrests, lots of Blackbirds and Greenfinches, 6+ Fulmars, 8+ Kittiwakes, Shags, a Gannet, lots of Guillemots, a few Razorbills, 3 Puffins, a Sandwich Tern, a Fieldfare, lots of Skylarks and Meadow Pipits, 2 Wheatears and a Firecrest. At Lodmoor we saw a Water Pipit.


In Israel, one new mammal today.










Photo: Nubian Ibex. 


In Belize, 13 new birds, 2 new mammals and a new reptile seen today.









Photo: Ocellated Turkey. 


A quick drive out to Chew Valley Lake to see a Little Bunting.


Another visit to Aust Warth to see and film the 2 singing Twite, with the new camera.

Also seen were 60+ Wigeon, Shelduck, Curlew, a Raven and a Chiffchaff.








Video of 


also see here.


A visit to Northwick Warth where there were 20+ Redshank, a few Curlew, the usual ducks, a Wheatear,

a Hobby which was the earliest recorded in South Gloucestershire by 6 days, 3 Chiffchaffs, a Swallow, 13 Buzzards, 3 Little Egrets, 2 Sparrowhawks, a

Water Pipit, a Grey Wagtail and 2 Ravens.

Later, I went to Chipping Sodbury Fishing Lake, where there was a female Smew, a species which has become very scarce in our area.








Photos & video of

female Smew,

also see here.


Most of the day at Slimbridge, where I saw 31 Black-tailed Godwits, 23 Avocets, lots of Black-headed Gulls and amongst them a 2nd summer Mediterranean Gull, a Kingfisher, a Peregrine, 10+ Chiffchaffs, 5 Blackcaps, 5 Cetti's Warblers, 3 Willow Warblers, a Spoonbill, around 25 Wigeon, a Little Ringed Plover, a dark-bellied Brent Goose, about 30 Barnacle Geese, lots of Shelduck, 10 Redshank and 5 Cranes.

Later, at Frampton Court I had a nice view of the Tawny Owl sat in its tree hole.



Photos: Black-tailed Godwits.




              2nd summer Mediterranean Gull.




At home at Elm Lodge where there was Chiffchaff, Robin, Wren and Song Thrush singing, a Green Woodpecker calling, 2 Buzzards, a Stock Dove feeding under the feeders with a couple of Wood Pigeons, and, a Sparrowhawk tried to take a House Sparrow from one of the feeders, but missed.

Stock Dove 01, Elm Lodge, 31-3-21.jpeg
Stock Dove 03, Elm Lodge, 31-3-21.jpeg

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