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On the 21st November:


A visit to Barrow Tank 3, where there a few ducks and 18 Great Crested Grebes, in the trees around the reservoir we saw lots of tits, a Treecreeper, 3 Tree Sparrows and 2 Bullfinches. Then to Chew Valley Lake where there were lots of duck, including 24 Goosanders, also another Tree Sparrow.


A visit to Cheddar Reservoir where there was a Long-tailed Duck, 7 Goldeneyes and lots of other ducks and Coots.


In Madagascar on a BBC sound recording trip, 1 new bird and 1 new reptile seen today.











Indri 02a, Perinet, Madagascar, 21_11_88


Still sound recording at Snettisham in Norfolk, where on a walk alongside the pools we saw the 4 Little Auks again, also 4 Black-necked Grebes, 4 Red-breasted Mergansers and the usual ducks and waders.

Then we drove to Blakeney Marsh seeing an Arctic Redpoll with a flock of c120 Linnets, Twite and Goldfinches. From there to Wells Woods where we saw 5 species of tit, a Treecreeper and 2 Chiffchaffs. At Norton Marsh there were 2 Barn Owls, 3,000+ Brent Geese, Wigeon, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Curlew, Snipe, Redshank and a female Hen Harrier.


In Central France on a sound recording trip.


A return to West Huntspill, this time seeing 2 Richard's Pipits, also 2 Green Sandpipers, a Little Egret, a few other waders and 3 Ravens.


A visit to Slimbridge seeing 18 Bewick's Swans, lots of ducks and geese but only 2 White-fronted Geese and 100+ Wigeon, 5 Redshank, a Jack Snipe, a Snipe, a Water Rail and 12 Cranes.

Bewick's Swan 181122-2, Slimbridge.jpg
Bewick's Swan 181122-3, Slimbridge.jpg

Bewick's Swan.

Jack Snipe 181122-3, Slimbridge.jpg
Jack Snipe 181122-4, Slimbridge.jpg

Jack Snipe.

Water Rail 181122-2, Slimbridge.jpg
Water Rail 181122-4, Slimbridge.jpg

Water Rail.



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