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On the 18th February:


A visit to Frampton pools, where on the sailing lake were 2 Black-throated Divers, a Red-necked Grebe, a male Red-crested Pochard and 125 White-fronted Geese, with a further 60 on the woodland pool.

One of the divers was heard calling several times and the grebe remained hunched a lot of the time, probably due to the cold conditions.

Also on the woodland pool were Canada and Greylag Geese, 10 Tufted Ducks and 5 female Goldeneyes. In the woodland we saw a Treecreeper and Great Spotted Woodpecker.



Photos: Black-throated Divers.

             Bottom: with Red-necked Grebe.


My last full day in Ethiopia and a look around the local area by the lodge on Lake Awassa, later stops at Lake Langano and Lake Zwai, then back to Addis Ababa. 10 new birds and 1 new mammal today.












Photo: Von der Decken's Hornbill.


In Kenya in Kakamega Forest. 17 new birds and 1 new mammal seen today.











Photo: White-tailed Ant Thrush. 


In Fiji firstly on Vanua Levu at Savasi Island, then on Taveuni. 3 new birds seen today.


A day out in south Devon, at Exminster Marshes and the nearby estuary, where there were 200+ Brent Geese, Curlew, 100's of Dunlin, 60+ Avocets, 100's of Black-tailed Godwits, a few Bar-tailed Godwits, Lapwing, Snipe, Oystercatchers, a Water Rail, Red-breasted Mergansers, Scaup and Stonechat.


A return to Sand Bay where the male and female Dartford Warblers were still in the bushes along the sea front, the male singing at times and occasionally calling.

In the same area there was a pair of Stonechats and a Chiffchaff.










Photos: Right: Male Dartford Warbler.


Below: Male & female Stonechat.



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