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On the 29th October:


A visit to Chew Valley Lake where there were lots of duck, c30 Snipe, 4 Green Sandpipers and 2 Spotted Redshank


A visit to Chew Valley Lake where there was a White-rumped Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, c30 Dunlin, 3 Little Stints, a Ruff, c20 Snipe and 2 Spotted Redshank.

White-rumped Sandpiper, LAT, CVL, 29_10_

White-rumped Sandpiper.


In North Carolina on a BBC sound recording trip, no new birds seen today.









Laughing Gull. 

Laughing Gull 07aa, Carolina, 31-10-87.j


In Kenya on a BBC sound recording trip, 20 new birds and 10 new mammals seen today.










Female Ostrich. 

Ostrich 04a, Nairobi NP, Kenya, 29-10-88


On a windy St. Mary's seeing a Black Redstart before getting the boat to St. Martins where the shrike had disappeared, but we did see the Pallas's Warbler again and a Merlin. Back on St. Mary's there was a Turtle Dove at Old Town.


A visit to Sand Bay, where in the trees around Sand Point Car Park there was a Yellow-browed Warbler


A trip to Sand Bay, where at the top of the beach was a Hoopoe, also seen was a Little Egret, a Buzzard, a Kestrel and a Peregrine.


Another attempt to see the White-tailed Eagle on the Mendips, although seen at dawn, by the time I arrived it had disappeared! I continued to Cheddar Reservoir to see the Lesser Yellowlegs again and also the 2 Great White Egrets.

Lesser Yellowlegs 117a, Cheddar Res, 29_
Lesser Yellowlegs 123a, Cheddar Res, 29_
Lesser Yellowlegs 121a, Cheddar Res, 29_
Lesser Yellowlegs 118a, Cheddar Res, 29_


Slimbridge: South Lake, Black-tailed Godwits, Ruff and Knot. One Bewick's Swan in flight over tack piece.



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