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On the 12th May:


An evening visit to Leigh Woods where the Hawfinch pair seemed more secretive and not calling as often as before, they were going to the nest in quick sucession, suggesting that the eggs had hatched.


Today a friend who was a member of the Mammal Society and has a licence to trap small mammals, brought a Dormouse to show us, so I took the opportunity to take a couple of photos.


In Ontario, 16 new birds and a new mammal seen today.









Black-billed Cuckoo. 


Leading a Wingspan Bird Tour to Point Pelee in southern Ontario.


In Tunisia, no new birds seen today.


In Virginia at Chincoteague Wildlife Refuge on a sound recording trip, 1 new bird and a new amphibian seen today.


In Moscow, later an overnight flight to Vladivostok.


A visit to Cairn Gorm, where in a stream there were 2 Dippers, on the slopes Meadow Pipits and Red Grouse, then taking the cable car to the top and after a bit of a search I saw and recorded a male Ptarmigan.


A trip to Stock Hill on the Mendips, seeing lots of Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers, Whitethroats, Linnets, a few Blackcaps, 2 Tree Pipits,

3 Buzzards and 2 Ravens.


A visit to Chew Valley Lake where there were 4 Black Terns, 20 Common Terns, a female Marsh Harrier, a male Garganey, heard a Cuckoo and there were lots of warblers including a Garden Warbler.

Then a drive to New Passage where there was a Turtle Dove in the gardens of the row of houses alongside the estuary, now unfortunately a very rare sight in our area.


Photo & video of Turtle Dove, also see here.

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